Join our growing community that reads the Bible together.

About Us

We know how hard it is to stay consistent in the Bible each day. We have built this community to provide the environment to help you succeed in the the most important area of life. 

Why Join?

We have helped thousands of people build a habit of reading the Bible together. Join today for a safe community that will help you:

  • Stick with Scripture. The single most effective way to really own the habit of Bible reading is to do it in community.  Find the inspiration and structure needed to stick with it!
  • Become who God has created you to be. We believe that the Bible is alive and that God still speaks today through his Word. And when God speaks - things change - including us! 
  • Serve a changing world. The Bible is how God primarily reveals himself to us. Being rooted deeply to the true unchanging source of life gives us what we need to stand through the storms of life, no matter how difficult. Find a community to help you serve God in the midst of a rapidly changing culture.

A Big Thanks

Everything we do is 100% free. We are passionate about helping people around the world meet and know Jesus through the Bible. This big vision requires a big team of supporters. We are forever grateful to the Hero Team that makes this possible. Interested in helping disciple people by giving to BT? Visit us here